Eric of @keep.calm.and.bag.it pattern tested a Baby size of Home Track. How fun is this baby size one? I love how colorful it is. Also, how stunning is this view? Check out Erica on Instagram here.
Where do you live? Southwest Washington State
How long have you been quilting? I have been sewing quilts off and on since I was a teenager 30+ years ago. More recently since the fall of 2020 when we lost our lake houses in the wildfires that swept through Oregon. I was determined to sew up quilts for all the beds up there once we rebuilt.
Why do you pattern test? I pattern test because I love helping our designers. I love
knowing that I was a part of their quilt design being released into the world.
What do you love about Home Track? Home Track is a fun pattern to sew up. It's a super quick sew but looks like it took a while.
What was your inspiration or colors used for Home Track? One of my fellow teachers is having her first baby this summer. I had the perfect alphabet fabric for the background
from Michael Miller. Matching up the letter colors I pulled some paisley green Michael Miller and some solid Kona fabrics.
What is one quilting goal you have? A quilting goal of mine is to get over my fear of actually basting and quilting my quilt tops myself. I don't know why there is such a big anxiety over that but some times it's just easier to send them off to the long arm or have them sit in the pile of finished quilt tops.
What is your favorite quilting tool you have? Gosh my favorite quilting tool....hmm...I don't know if I have necessarily a favorite. But one thing I can't sew without is noise in the background. Most of the time I have my TV on to some cooking show.
